Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Belated HAPPY HOLIDAYS from Nifty Thrifty Coupon Gal

I hope that you've all had an amazing time celebrating whatever holidays you observe and gotten in on some serious deals along the way!  I took a longer break than expected due to my own planning, celebrating and recuperating!  I also had a couple unexpected wrenches thrown into the mix as well, including the need to replace a broken laptop AND a leaking water service line between the house & the street that needed emergency repair!  All of my holiday savings out the window {sad face}

Luckily the joy of the holiday celebration(s) more than made up for those minor inconveniences.   Seriously, the excitement on the face of a five year old through all phases of the Christmas experience really makes it all worthwhile!  We had a blast learning how to shoot the toy bow & arrow, got in some competitive EXTREME air hockey games and have a mini LEGOland cropping up in GQ's playroom!  We ate way too many cookies, spent quality time with Grandma and caught up with Auntie & Uncle in Moscow via Skype!  This year was particularly special because my Dad is still with us & getting healthier every day!  It was so special to see the thoughtful gifts that he chose for us, wrapped, labeled and mailed with handwritten addresses!  We even had a nice chat on the phone as he celebrated in warmed my heart to know he was warm & cozy with family over the holiday!  That's #TheGoodStuff :-)

Anyhoo...I'll be back at it no later than 01/05/2015 BABY!

In the meantime, have a happy & safe New Year's celebration!  Save on those Clearance racks & get ready for the new month/new year coupons! #LiveLaughLove

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